Effective Communication

Learn how to speak and be heard.


Across the public and private sectors, communication is the key to effective leadership, teamwork and productivity. Through our dynamic workshops packed with hands-on practice, you will be able to sharpen your skills in giving impactful presentations, writing effective emails and reports, or steering important negotiations while you gain vital insight into cross-cultural and multi-generational communication tactics. 

No matter which stage you are at in your career, we have the strategies and expertise to help you boost your communication competencies.

How can We Help?

Our trainers are experts at introducing professionals of all levels to their own strengths and areas of improvement, enabling them to continue growing long after the workshop is over. The following themes can be fully customized to suit your professional development needs, be it personally or for an organization.

Harnessing each team member’s strengths is a more effective way to encourage high performance than focusing on overcoming weaknesses. This creates a more positive climate that promotes diversity and inclusion. Individuals feel valued and recognise their importance to the team.

Receiving negative feedback often results in a defensive response. Regardless of the legitimacy of the complaint, you can always respond with empathy and provide a reasonable solution. Discover how to identify what someone really wants, how to respond empathetically and manage their expectations.

A well-told story will leave a longer-lasting impression than dry facts and figures. Engage your audience through well-crafted narratives that support your brand, connecting them to it and driving them to a desired outcome.

In order for an organisation to communicate effectively, it must align its internal and external practices. While there are differences for both audiences, communicating with them needs to adhere to the principles of efficiency, validity, reliability, confidentiality and clarity. Equip yourself with practical and effective strategies communicate effectively with all stakeholders.

With the prominence of social media, platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook can be leveraged to build long-lasting relationships which are essential to grow your business. Find out how a combination of traditional and online methods can help you extend your reach and network.

Satisfied Clients

Since 2009, we have conducted 100+ career preparation workshops for 20+ corporate, education and government clientele.


It’s no secret that our Aureus approach works and here’s what our satisfied clients have to say about us.


We have assembled a global team of the most dedicated coaches with exceptional coaching and professional backgrounds, from certified life coaches to highly experienced corporate trainers.


Explore our library of complimentary resources to help you along your journey: videos, e-books and blog articles aplenty.


How To Start A New Habit

It is Simpler Than it Seems.   Many want to start something new: jogging, meditation, diet, online learning, etc. However, even more of us feel

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From 3 hours to 3 days, our programmes are fully customizable. Let’s discuss how we can support your professional growth.

Leadership skills

Career Management
